Some years ago I began to write down stories perhaps for an eventual book about growing up with two remarkable parents. About them, about me, about us. This is one of those stories.
The Stowe Guide — Winter 2023-24
On a freezing December day in 1988, Frank Ganley pulled a Bonac school buddy — unconscious and sinking fast — from the icy underwater of Gardiner’s Bay after he fell overboard from a lobster boat called the Captain Kidd. Little did Ganley know that the near-death experience would define the course of his life.
EAST magazine July 2024
Amid turmoil and grief, photographer Priscilla Rattazzi turned to three lindens trees for their legendary beauty and comfort to bid farewell to a life on Georgica Pond.
EAST magazine, July 2023
The late painter Manoucher Yektai of Sagaponack was widely recognized as having all the towering talent — and unabashed hubris — requisite in a great artist. So why has he not been recognized among the legends of his generation?
EAST Magazine — The East Hampton Star and Karma Books
The story of Nose Dive is the story of American skiing itself. How the sport took hold here in the last century and sparked exploration, development, and business. Nose Dive launched careers, growth, and innovation in the sport. Its evolution mirrors the evolution of skiing, from an inexpensive wilderness experience for enthusiasts on rudimentary equipment to a glamour sport drawing the masses, open to anyone with enough money and skill to learn and excel—on all sorts of gear.
The Stowe Guide & Magazine
Several years ago I began to hear stories that sounded hard to believe — that I could find excellent skiing on the island of Crete. The spring snow conditions were said to be dependable, the scenery stunning, and you could make long descents within sight of the sea, while spending your nights at picturesque Mediterranean seaside towns.
The New York Times
Anyone who’s been seized by a sport or a pastime, especially one so beholden to the powers of nature, has pivotal, formative moments etched into their memories. Here, in his short story “The Waterman,” Biddle Duke shares some life lessons he learned in the seas of Southampton.
The Purist Online
In reflecting on my years as a ski-race parent I went looking for answers, and the kind of perspective I wished I’d sought when I was starting out.
The Stowe Reporter
Just as winter was about to start, the state instituted a stricter quarantine and test requirement for visitors, and the snow-sports economy is bracing for the impact.
The New York Times.
The Southold artist Michael Combs comes from a long line of Long Island hunters and baymen who made a hard living off the land. In his work, both gorgeous and grotesque, he draws a bead on the masculine culture of killing — of forever taking more from the bleeding Earth.
EAST Magazine - The East Hampton Star
Climbing up mountain slopes, once a niche activity practiced only by a hard-core few to access the backcountry, is everywhere in snow country these days.
The New York Times
An action list for every household on the East End. Because, duh!, it’s time to take personal responsibility for the climate emergency.
EAST Magazine — The East Hampton Star
There was surf somewhere from County Kerry to County Donegal, if only they could find it.
The New York Times
Animator and surfer Stephen Hillenburg’s brainchild made his debut around a Baja campfire. Knowing the artist’s background, that should come as no surprise.
The Surfer’s Journal
The inbounds, open-terrain avalanche deaths underscored a fundamental challenge for rugged ski mountains like the Taos Ski Valley: they are meccas for adventure skiing, which is inherently dangerous. We pray for deep snow, but on some slopes, under certain conditions it can kill. What is a resort’s risk tolerance; and what is ours?
The New York Times
Vonn’s farewell races were classic Lindsey Vonn: pedal-to-the-metal power skiing. “I skied with all my heart,” she said at the finish, a line she might well have used every race of her life.
Ski Racing
When he created “SpongeBob SquarePants,” Stephen Hillenburg wanted simple stories taken from real-life experiences and a show with a moral code that reflected earnest sensibilities.
The New Yorker
Over thirty years of documenting the woods, the marshes, the people, and the surf of Long Island's East End, photographer Andrew Blauschild has witnessed the jarring upheaval of his adopted home. "The dream is older now... But it's still all here."
The Surfer’s Journal, October 2023